dilluns, 11 de maig del 2009

Oral Presentations Competence 2007-2009

First Oral: http://deadriver91portfolio.blogspot.com/2008/03/5-first-oral-presentation.html
Last Oral: http://portfolio2bat.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-03-07T04%3A58%3A00-08%3A00&max-results=7
Last Good Oral: http://portfolio2bat.blogspot.com/2008/11/6-your-first-oral-presentation-video.html

Well. I think my orals haven't changed a lot. I've put the URL of my first oral, my last oral and the previous one of the last one but I think that the last one was very bad because I did it after Carnivals and although it doesn't seem it effected a lot (LOL), so I've also put de previous one.
As I've just said my orals haven't changed a lot, because as I've do extra english classes out of the high school my level hasn't suffered lots of changes.

My English competence in 2009

The last writing: http://portfolio2bat.blogspot.com/2009/05/psycologists.html
The first writing: http://deadriver91portfolio.blogspot.com/2008/03/3-your-first-mail-to-teacher-your-level.html

In my first writing email to teacher I presented myself and my hobbies, family..., in the last one, I had to write my opinion about psychologists. Of course, it has been an improvement with my English, grammar, expression, mistakes... but I still do lots of mistakes. I think that in the last writing I improve and for this reason the structure, connectors, vocabulary, and majority things are better.


Nowadays, when someone has a problem, he or she goes with facility to tell his problems oh her problems to psychologists, this means that our society gives a lot of importance to psycologists, in my opinion, too much imporance is given to them.
Psychologist are too well considered. In fact, they're so well considered because people think that they will solve all their problems and this is not always such an easy thing to do.
It's true that lots of times psychologist help ua solving our psycholigucal necessities, but in my opinion I think that sometimes lots of the problems which psychologists solve could be solved by friend or by the familu and that takes place because we give too much importance to psychologist because what we really need is someone who listens to us and who understan us.


Wrestlemania 25!

Since 1985 WrestleMania is the most successful, longest-running professional wrestling event in the world. It is held annually in late March or early April. WrestleMania has become one of the most prominent events in sports entertainment. Wrestlemania has facilitated the rise to stadorm of wrestler as Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H, amongst others. Numerous celebrities such as Muhammad Ali, Mr. T, Alice Cooper, Donald Trump and others have participated or made special appearances in the events. Participation in a WrestleMania match, and especially the main event, is considered by many wrestlers and fans alike as one of the greatest achievements and symbols of professional success.

One of the main events of this edition will be the match between Floyd "Money" Mayweather, who is the United States Boxing champion, vs. Big Show, who is a giant of 2 meters and 20 centimetres. But there will be other important matches, as the Triple Threat Match between Triple H, Randy Orton and John Cena for the WWE Championship, the Last Chance Match between The Undertaker and Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship, the Career Treating Match between Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels or the Match of Leagues, where a fighter of Raw (Umaga) and a fighter of Smackdown! (Batista) will fight to see which league is the best one.

The scientist hopes to have the area, comprising some 15000 hectares.

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

Summary of a film: "Like God"

The main character is Bruce Nolan and secondary ones are God and Grace Connelly. This film is a comedy film from United States.

“Como Dios” in Spanish is a film from 2003 where the main character is Bruce Nolan who is a TV news reporter who wants to become a news presenter.

He believes that he will be promoted but he is finally not promoted and he dismisses from the channel where he worked. He began to grumble against god, but one day God appears and says him if he wants to be god. And god gives his power to him. Bruce Nolan use his new power ti make lots of things, but he abuses of his power. Later he realises that also can help other people appart from him, so he begins to help other people.

But the powers effect the relationship with his girlfriend and Bruce Nolan undestands how difficult is to be a God, and that there's only won.

dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

News: Human Rights


dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

Acció contra la violació dels drets humans a Mèxic

El passat mes de novembre, més de mil policies mexicans van participar en la detenció de més de 100 persones als pobles de Texcoco i San Salvador de Atenco. Durant l’acció policial, diverses dones van patir abusos sexuals, incloent diverses violacions.

The piece of news says that last November lots of people which were expressing their opinions were punished by the police, and lots of women were also sexually attacked and even more were violated.

The first human right which is violated is number 21, which says that all the people have the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes not being punished because your own opinions, and in this case the government punished lots of people that were demanding a better way of life, because the government was taking their homes.

The other problem is that during the police repression, lots of women were violated and sexually attacked, so the police, which is the organization that should take care that Humar Rights are obeyed, was who make that women lost their right of having protection from other people.

Summary of a film: Hairspray:)

This is a film of teenagers from the 60’s more or lees, when to be popular and the most beautiful of the school were the most important things.

The film tell the story of a fat girl who takes part in a competition of Miss Hairspray, this is the most watched programe of the city, in that program you must know dance and have a great voice, and of course, you must be slim. But one day the most popular boy of the program (and also from the school) saw how Tracy Turnblad (the fat girl) is dancing and singing, for this he invites her to go to the program. She becomes famous, because it’s strange that a person like her wins a program like that, for thiat reason the girl who was the champion before the fat girl was become jealous about her. When arrives the day that the audience choose Miss Hairspray Tracy doesn’t win, whereas a black girl wins. The audience choose a black girl, but this is also strange because in the 60’s black people are seen as a poor class, and thanks to Tracy black people are mixed with normal people.

I chose this film because I love musical :P, yes, although it doesn't seem I like musicals a lot, and in this one appeared John Travolta as Tracy, the fat girl, who also worked in Greace, so I thought it could be great, is not as good as Greace, but it's also great:)


The alcohol and sleep:

Some scientist said in the newspaper: Occupational and Environmental Medicine. That the people who hasn’t sleep can do the same physics and mental problems than the excess of alcohol. The time of reaction, precision, and coordination of the people who only sleep 5 or 6 hours are the same or worse than the people who have a 0,55% of alcohol in the blood.

Oragn Donor Scheme:

Spain has a very high number of organ donors, more than other European countries. It is dues to the fact that there are people that work on liaise the people and also, because you are always able to change your opinion if you said that you wanted it. In Spain the views of relatives are respected, in Austria they ignore it and in Britain you must carry a card to indicate your desire to donate. In UK, to be a donor you have to register with the NHS Organ donor register that have a database shared between European countries. In Spain you can sing up with the ONT, but this only informe relatives of your wishes.

An article of Lilly Allen:

In the Newspaper called Catalonia Today I red an article about Lilly Allen, a singer.

Sumary: Before have an album out, Lilly Allen uploaded her songs in myspace (a social networking site) and had been played close to half million times. Her music is influenced by ska, reggae and calypso. qhen she did a concert in Barcelona people could see she is a rash and confident young woman.

Oral Presentation