The alcohol and sleep:
Some scientist said in the newspaper:
Occupational and Environmental Medicine. That the people who hasn’t sleep can do the same physics and mental problems than the excess of alcohol. The time of reaction, precision, and coordination of the people who only sleep 5 or 6 hours are the same or worse than the people who have a 0,55% of alcohol in the blood.
Oragn Donor Scheme:
Spain has a very high number of organ donors, more than other European countries. It is dues to the fact that there are people that work on liaise the people and also, because you are always able to change your opinion if you said that you wanted it. In Spain the views of relatives are respected, in Austria they ignore it and in Britain you must carry a card to indicate your desire to donate. In UK, to be a donor you have to register with the NHS Organ donor register that have a database shared between European countries. In Spain you can sing up with the ONT, but this only informe relatives of your wishes.
An article of Lilly Allen:
In the Newspaper called Catalonia Today I red an article about Lilly Allen, a singer.
Sumary: Before have an album out, Lilly Allen uploaded her songs in myspace (a social networking site) and had been played close to half million times. Her music is influenced by ska, reggae and calypso. qhen she did a concert in Barcelona people could see she is a rash and confident young woman.