dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

Acció contra la violació dels drets humans a Mèxic

El passat mes de novembre, més de mil policies mexicans van participar en la detenció de més de 100 persones als pobles de Texcoco i San Salvador de Atenco. Durant l’acció policial, diverses dones van patir abusos sexuals, incloent diverses violacions.

The piece of news says that last November lots of people which were expressing their opinions were punished by the police, and lots of women were also sexually attacked and even more were violated.

The first human right which is violated is number 21, which says that all the people have the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes not being punished because your own opinions, and in this case the government punished lots of people that were demanding a better way of life, because the government was taking their homes.

The other problem is that during the police repression, lots of women were violated and sexually attacked, so the police, which is the organization that should take care that Humar Rights are obeyed, was who make that women lost their right of having protection from other people.